Meet our team

Petr Pavlas
Principal Investigator
Petr Pavlas is TOME’s principal investigator and the deputy head of the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History at the Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences. He has published three monographs and several studies on Comenius, the metaphorics of the book, the idea of a perfect language, and the early modern encyclopaedism. He is responsible for coordinating the TOME research project and investigating the early modern evolution of the book metaphors and mathematical metaphors.
Computational Group

Vojtěch Kaše
Vojtěch Kaše leads the computation group in the TOME project, directing the development of algorithms for automatic metaphor detection and analyzing their spatio-temporal distribution and diffusion. Originally specializing in the academic study of religion, particularly Early Christianity, his research now extends to data analysis across diverse historical periods and contexts. In addition to his role in TOME, he serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic.

Jan Tvrz
Research Collaborator
Jan Tvrz is a PhD student at the University of West Bohemia. His research topic focuses on the practical application of machine learning in the field of philosophy. In this project, he is a member of the computational team responsible for working with data and developing machine learning models.

Jana Švadlenková
Research Collaborator
Jana Švadlenková is a PhD student at the University of West Bohemia. In her dissertation, she focuses on the synthesis of topics such as philosophy, artificial intelligence and fiction. In this project, she is a member of the computational team.
Digital-Philological Group

Georgiana (Jo) Hedesan
Georgiana (Jo) Hedesan leads the TOME Digital Philological team, working to assemble the early modern corpus of alchemical texts. Jo is a Departmental Lecturer in History of Science at the University of Oxford, specialising in the history of alchemy and alchemical medicine, now viewed through the lens of the digital turn in the humanities. Her first book, An Alchemical Quest for Universal Knowledge: The ‘Christian Philosophy’ of Jan Baptist Van Helmont (1579-1644) was published in 2016 by Routledge. A co-edited book (with Tim Rudbøg, Copenhagen), Innovation in Esotericism from the Renaissance to the Present, was published in 2021 by Palgrave Macmillan. She is also preparing a book on immortality and another on the alchemical pursuit for the radical extension of life. She has many interests and passions that she tries to combine in her work and give space for: writing, playing and composing music, philosophy, impromptu art, teaching, and IT computing. She completed her PhD in History at the University of Exeter in 2012, holds two Masters degrees (Western Esotericism, Exeter and Project Management, Leeds), as well as two BAs in History and Economics, with a minor in Management Information Systems (University of Nevada).
Alexander Huber
Research Collaborator
Alexander Huber is a historian and medievalist by training; he is pursuing a PhD at the Charles University in Prague. Within TOME, he assembles and pre-processes the digital corpus of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century alchemical and Paracelsian prints in Latin.
Jana Ředinová
Research Collaborator
Jana Ředinová is a classical philologist by training; she is pursuing a PhD at the Charles University in Prague. Within TOME, she assembles and pre-processes the digital corpus of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century alchemical and Paracelsian prints in Latin.
Ondřej Kříž
Research Collaborator
Ondřej Kříž is a theologian by training; he is pursuing a PhD at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. Within TOME, he assembles and pre-processes the digital corpus of sixteenth- and seventeenth century alchemical and Paracelsian prints in Latin.
Jindra Kubíčková
Research Collaborator
Jindra Kubíčková is a historian of art and science by training; she is pursuing a PhD at the Charles University in Prague. Within TOME, she assembles and pre-processes the digital corpus of sixteenth- and
seventeenth-century alchemical and Paracelsian prints in Latin.
Intellectual-Historical Group

Lucie Storchová
Lucie Storchová (Ph.D. in Anthropology, 2009) is a senior researcher in the TOME project. She specializes in the history of philosophy, Renaissance Humanism and the circulation of knowledge and texts in early modern Europe and beyond. She currently works as a Researcher Professor at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague. In the TOME project, she leads the research group focusing on early modern intellectual history.

Martin Žemla
Senior Researcher
Martin Žemla is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Renaissance Texts at Palacký University, in Olomouc, Czech Republic, and at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, at Charles University, Prague. He is also the head of the editorial department OIKOYMENH at the Institute of Philosophy in Prague. His scholarly interests focus on philosophy and religion from the 13th to the 17th century (particularly German Mysticism, Renaissance Neoplatonism, and Paracelsianism). In the TOME project, he concentrates on metaphors of sensual perception.

Alessandro Nannini
Senior Researcher
Alessandro Nannini (PhD in Aesthetics and Philosophy of the Arts, University of Palermo, Italy, 2015) is a senior researcher at the University of Bucharest. His research focuses on the intellectual history of the early modern period, with special regard to aesthetics. He is the author of a monograph on the relationship between sacred hermeneutics and aesthetics up to Kant (2022) and another monograph on the emergence of both semiotics and aesthetics in the Enlightenment (2023). In the TOME project, he analyzes the metaphorical network related to agriculture and horticulture in their relation to the emergence of early modern encyclopedism.

Lenka Řezníková
Senior Researcher
Lenka Řezníková is a research fellow at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Philosophy. Her research focuses on early modern and pre-modern intellectual history. Operating at the intersection of history, literary history and philosophy, she is particularly interested in the history of historical thinking, early modern epistemology, and the relationships between textuality and thinking. She also participates in the edition of Comenius’s writings DJAK / Opera Omnia. Within TOME, she investigates metaphors of crafts and playing.
Márton Szentpéteri
Senior Researcher
Márton Szentpéteri is an intellectual historian and design critic. He holds a PhD in Literary Studies (2005) and obtained a venia legendi in Design Theory (2013). Dr Szentpéteri has been a tenured full professor at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest since 2018. He leads the PhD program in Design Culture Studies, which he founded. His main interests lie in early modern intellectual and cultural history, as well as modern and contemporary design culture. Within TOME, he investigates early modern architectural metaphors.
Administration and Support
Monika Gottfriedová
Project Coordinator and Administrator

Lenka Kašová
PR and Communication