From September 5–7, 2024, Petr Pavlas, Jo Hedesan, and Vojtěch Kaše attended the 11th European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) Conference, themed Science, Technology, Humanity, and the Earth.
Panel on Computational History of Science
As part of the conference program, Petr Pavlas and Jo Hedesan organized a panel titled Toward a Computational History of Science: The Cultural Evolution of Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge. The panel was chaired by Cornelis J. Schilt from Brussels (learn more about his VERITRACE project).
One of the highlights was Vojtěch Kaše’s presentation, Computational Explorations of Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge: Diachronic Word Embeddings and Cultural Evolution in Scientific Texts. You can access and listen to the recording of his talk [here].
Collaborative Meetings
During the conference, a joint meeting between TOME project members and VERITRACE project members took place, fostering collaboration and exchanging ideas on computational approaches to the history of science.
The conference proved to be a remarkably fruitful gathering, deepening connections and generating new ideas for future research endeavors.

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