Author: Lenka Kašová
11th annual Scientiae meeting
11th annual Scientiae meeting took place in Brussels 11.-14. June. TOME members Petr Pavlas, Lucie Storchová, Lenka Řezníková, Márton Szentpéteri, Martin Žemla and Alessandro Nannini attended the meeting and presented talks at two conference panels. The panels were titled 1. From Harmony to Vanity, and Back Again. Hope and Frustration in the Early Modern Knowledge Cultures through the Lens…
Fourth conference on Computational Humanities Research
6.-8. December 2023 the TOME team enjoyed attending fourth conference on Computational Humanities Research in Paris. The Computational Humanities Research (CHR) community is an international and interdisciplinary community that supports researchers with an interest in computational approaches to the humanities. It is an offshoot of larger scientific area known as Digital Humanities Research (DHR). It…
Coming together
1st School in Řevnice 4.-6. October 2023 the TOME team gathered in Řevnice for the first common meeting. The aim of the meeting was to spark and nourish the vibe of the project by being together and working together towards setting and clarifying the goals of this two years project. Also great care was put…