From December 6th to 8th, 2023, the TOME team had the pleasure of attending the Fourth Conference on Computational Humanities Research (CHR) in Paris.
The Computational Humanities Research community is an international and interdisciplinary group that supports researchers interested in computational approaches to the humanities. As a branch of the broader field of Digital Humanities Research (DHR), CHR focuses on leveraging computational methods to explore human culture and history.
We had an excellent opportunity to network with Olivier Morin (Jean Nicod Institute, Paris), a prominent proponent of the theories of cultural evolution and cultural attraction, along with many other outstanding researchers in the field.
Our conference paper was presented by Petr Pavlas and Vojtěch Kaše on the third day of the event during the “Lightning Talks” session, chaired by Iza Romanowska. The presentation sparked a stimulating and fruitful discussion, thanks to Iza’s engaging moderation.
The conference also marked an important milestone for our PhD students, Jan Tvrz and Jana Švadlenková, who were introduced to the international research community and drew inspiration from lectures delivered by leading specialists in CHR and DHR.
We invite you to view the slides accompanying our paper: A Computational Approach to the Cultural Evolution of Cognitive Metaphors in Historical Texts (1517-1716).
You can also explore the Proceedings of the Computational Humanities Research Conference 2023, which feature many fascinating and innovative research papers, freely available online.
Energized by the exchange of creative ideas and collaborations during the conference, we are eager to advance our research further and hope to participate in CHR 2024!

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